martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

Glaciers melting so fast, a generatin will be too late.

date of article: December 8, 2009
author: James Balog
theme:Global Warming
about: From proven truth we can see that glaciers are melting very fast. From glaciers we can see how global warming is affecting the earth. This article tells us that the next generation will be too late to save our planet from extreme climate changing. They will blame us for all the things we know and all the knowledge and technology we have and we did not do anything about the fact that our climate is changing rapidly. If we want to change the climate we have to do it fast, because by the next generation ... it  will be too late.
why this is important?: This is an important article because it informs us that if we do not do something fast our planet is in real danger from extreme heating.  We have to act fast and not just worry but actually do something about it. There is only one planet earth and we have to protect it.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Santas share holiday miricles

date of article: November 27 2009
Author: Live in CNN
About: a group of people who look like Santa help children with their wishes for christmas. Lots of children ask them for the needs of someone else. One asked if he could bring his parents back from the dead, dippers for their little brothers and surgeries and transplants for their parents. This stories touches the hearts of these Santas and they help them with whatever they can. The most special part is seeing the kids smile!
Theme: Holiday Miracles
Bias: The Santa's strongly feel this experience is really wonderful and it felt felt good to help this children.
Why do we think this is important: We fell that this Santas really made a good job wanting to help the children and we fell this children deserve there holiday miracle.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

1,000 new McDonald's restaurants.

date of article: November 12, 2009
author:Hibah Yousuf
theme:  Opening 1,000 new restaurants around the world
about:  This articles tells us that McDonalds is planning on opening 1,000 new restaurants mostly in Europe, Asia,  U.S.A and some in Latin America. They are also planning on remodeling  2,300 restaurants that already exists. They are making it more comfortable, modern and make the menu better. They will also make a 2 lane drive way so the lane is not too long. I think it is too much restaurants but  McDonalds says it will increase their income by 7%.
why do we think this is important: This is important because with all of this new restaurants lots of more people are going to have jobs. But this is also bad because the food has a lot of grease in the food so this is unhealthy for all the people who buy it.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Expirimental drug miraculously save baby with dissolving brain.

date of article: November, 5, 2009
author: no information
theme: Never give up miracles happen
about: This article tells about a great story. There was a baby called 'BabyZ'. 18 months after she was  born , she had a lot of toxic substances in her body and her brain was dissolving. This occasion only happens one time in a million. But then they decided to try a German drug on the baby, which was only tested on mice. They gave it to her for a month treatment, and this drug made the baby literally 'wake up'. She just opened her eyes and was healthy now. BabyZ  mother said that she was know so happy, the baby was normal now. A few months later she started to talk and walk, which shows this was a miraculously recovery.
why do we think this is important: We think this article is important because, it shows that they have found a new medicine or drug that work. These means it could save a lot of other lives. It also shows that we are getting smarter on the topic of medicine and we are now discovering new medicines which might be the cure for things we could not know for the past years like cancer and AIDS.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

3 north dakota students found dead:foul play not suspected

date of article: November 4, 2009 9:57 a.m
author: cnn reporter ( no specific name)
theme: Be aware of your actions
Three students 2 seniors and 1 junior went in the night star gazing and ended up in a car submerged in a private property pond. They were discovered the next morning, reporters are not sure how this happened but they were found dead in this pond. We also do not know the owner of this pond but we will put it more information once we find more about it.
Bias:no there are no bias there is not much information, the dad of one of the students says " this is a pretty small town, without an active night life" .
why do we think it is important:
 We were impact that in this town it was a normal activity to go down to a lake and stargaze and chat. And it is weird that they were found dead in a pond.