date of article: November 4, 2009 9:57 a.m
author: cnn reporter ( no specific name)
theme: Be aware of your actions
Three students 2 seniors and 1 junior went in the night star gazing and ended up in a car submerged in a private property pond. They were discovered the next morning, reporters are not sure how this happened but they were found dead in this pond. We also do not know the owner of this pond but we will put it more information once we find more about it.
Bias:no there are no bias there is not much information, the dad of one of the students says " this is a pretty small town, without an active night life" .
why do we think it is important:
We were impact that in this town it was a normal activity to go down to a lake and stargaze and chat. And it is weird that they were found dead in a pond.
How scary thing!