martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Girl stung by venomous box jellyfish 'shouldn't be alive'

Date of Article: April.27.2010
Author: Does not appear
Theme: Venomous stings
About: A 10/year/old girl was stung by one of the most deadliest jellyfish of all the world. This jellyfish is called a box jellyfish. This can kill an adult in 4 minutes, doctors say it is a miracle that Rachel is alive. This jellyfish did not just sting her it enveloped all of her body and would not let go. She could not see or breath, the creature wrapped its tentacles very tight and knocked her unconscious. Doctors have never seen anyone that has been stung so badly to survive. Then the doctors first saw her they said it was so horrific she should not be alive. After several weeks in the hospital Rachel still aches very badly besides all of her scars, she also lost her memory. 
Why we think this is important: We think this is very important. Because you have to be careful when you are in the costs of the coral reef. Jellyfish can be really harmful. And it impact us that such a young girl survive all of this. We cant imagine the pain of those stung and the feeling to be trapped in a jellyfish ahnd you cant breath! WE are thankful for doctors that can help many people with their problems especially this little girl, were glad she did not die.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Date of Article:April 16, 2010
Author: Jason Kessler
Theme: Be careful with abusers
About:A 24 year old Joshua-Frederick was arrested for committing child abuse to his 4-year-old
girlfriend's son. It is said that he was kicking him and punching him, and at the end he burned him. His girlfriend was in the situation during a short period of time, trying to protect her son, but she got hit too. The investigators say that she is also guilty for this situation because she left her son alone with Joshua, knowing he was a little aggressive.
 Why is this important: This is important because you can see how the world is changing so much negatively that there are violent abusers everywhere.This article also shows that you have to be careful with who you choose to be in a relationship with and you should get to know them better before committing to a child.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Michelle Obama makes visit to Haiti on way to Mexico

DATE OF ARTICLE: April 13,2010   1:36
AUTHOR: Cnn Wire Staff
THEME: Nice visits!!!
ABOUT: Obama's wife made a surprise visit in Haiti on her way to go to Mexico. This was her first trip flying alone as a First Lady. When she got to Haiti, she took a helicopter toward to take a look to the earthquake's damage. Met with Haiti's president and she tried to help Haiti in many ways. She was very shocked by the huge damage and by the millions of people living in tents.
WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT: This is important because we can see how everyone,  is making an effort to help Haiti. And this is very good because now we know that the world is there to support us when we cry for help.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Inmates: Mom said she 'knocked out' Caylee with drugs

Date of article: April 7, 2010 
Author: Ann O'Neil and Mayra Cuevas- Nazario
Theme: Kids are a gift, love them, don't kill them!!
About: This article is about a woman that is believed guilty for the murder of her daughter Caylee. It is believed by investigators that she was killed by drugs. This drug is called chloroform. They found these drugs in the trunk of the car with`some decomposed rests of human. The mom said that she didn't touch the car one single time after the disappearance daughter Caylee. Some inmates communicated with the mom by letters. Investigators ask for those letters. They figure out that maybe, the one that killed the daughter isn't her mom.
Why is it important: This is important because we think that all kids should be loved by their mother and you should never kill them.