martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Girl stung by venomous box jellyfish 'shouldn't be alive'

Date of Article: April.27.2010
Author: Does not appear
Theme: Venomous stings
About: A 10/year/old girl was stung by one of the most deadliest jellyfish of all the world. This jellyfish is called a box jellyfish. This can kill an adult in 4 minutes, doctors say it is a miracle that Rachel is alive. This jellyfish did not just sting her it enveloped all of her body and would not let go. She could not see or breath, the creature wrapped its tentacles very tight and knocked her unconscious. Doctors have never seen anyone that has been stung so badly to survive. Then the doctors first saw her they said it was so horrific she should not be alive. After several weeks in the hospital Rachel still aches very badly besides all of her scars, she also lost her memory. 
Why we think this is important: We think this is very important. Because you have to be careful when you are in the costs of the coral reef. Jellyfish can be really harmful. And it impact us that such a young girl survive all of this. We cant imagine the pain of those stung and the feeling to be trapped in a jellyfish ahnd you cant breath! WE are thankful for doctors that can help many people with their problems especially this little girl, were glad she did not die.

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