miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Analysis: Are the Pakistani Taliban about to go global?

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/04/pakistan.taliban/index.html
Date of Article: May 4, 2010
Author: Paul Cruickshank & Tim Lister
Theme: SOS!
About: The Pakistani Taliban wants to go global. They sent to the United States a voice-message saying that they will take revenge from the bombing on Iraq. They already sent a little attack to New York putting bombs inside of a car, later they called and said they were the responsible. In Spain, they caught 12 members of the Taliban putting bombs inside of the subway.
Why is This Important: It is important because we have to be protecting our country. And be careful because if they conquer us we will have less education, less rights, and respect as we have now. Also because this can be a serious issue and it can affect not only the US but all the countries and cities in the world. We won't have again what we got now and there will be a pandemonium.

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